November 3, 2008


OK, so when you have a house full of "boys", sometimes the testosterone gets pumpin' and they feel this great "need" to prove their abilities. Michael and his father (you know, the GROWN one!!) were talking about Michael joining the track team. Well, one thing led to another and at nearly 9:00 pm all Michael had to say was, "Let's race, old man! I'll smoke you. I'll burn you out!" Nuff said. Jimmy and Michael were tightening up their shoes strings and heading out the door. Good Grief!!

They had ME come out to count them off. From down the road, I hear Jimmy say to me, "Hey, Ellen, you stand there and be sure to count how many seconds it takes Michael to cross AFTER me!"

So, they're down in their little stance........................

I say, "On your mark..........." "Get set............" "GO!!!!"

Here they came, 100 miles an hour and about three steps from the finish, Michael is a good step in front of his father. Jimmy leans forward with EVERYTHING he has (really giraffe necking it).......................

Ok, stop for a second and let's think about this........

Jimmy's feet are at the finish line and his head is about 5 feet in FRONT of the finish line! Needless to say, the pavement stopped him..................his hands...........his elbows.............his knees........and his back. He was just in a pile on the road. OUCH! After several seconds of "walking it off", he finally made his way inside.

WARNING!!! Do NOT look at these photos if you have a weak stomach. I promise you won't like them, but THIS is what happens when "BOYS" have to "prove" themselves!!!

This is Michael after the race.
"Hey, what happened?!"

This is Michael realizing "what happened"
"Oh, crap! Are you ok?!"

These next photos are the aftermath of TESTOSTERONE!

Trust me, these shots do NOT do the grossness justice! I should know............I had to play Nurse Betty! EWE!! And by the way..........the last one of his knees...............He was wearing jeans!

I was SO happy to see this too........Jimmy called Michael and I into the room to show us that he hung up his running shoes.........literally. We'll see how long THAT lasts!

So, for those of you with a houseful of boys...........get ready. No matter what age they get, they'll always be competitive. And sometimes it takes events like this one to remind the "big boy" that he's not a boy anymore.................but the daddy, and sometimes the daddy just needs to let the "boy" win!!!! (which is what he "said" he did) - - - - Michael's response, "WHATEVER!! Come on, I'll SMOKE you, old man!"
Oh, we go again!


Anonymous said...

How funny!!!

Ouch!! Made me wince. I bet he is sore this morning.

Anonymous said...

That priceless!!!
God made us.
He made us where our mind gets stronger and our muscles get weaker. Do you think that was an accident??

Anonymous said...

Poor Jimmie! He's taking the humble pie like a man! I have that problem too when I'm out at P.E. at school with my kids and I want to jump and run. I find that my brain says, "hey that looks like fun", and my body says, "do it again and we'll pee our pants!"