November 24, 2008

Tag, YOU'RE it!

I've been tagged..
by Kim's blog. From what I'm instructions for this tag are to: pick the 4th picture folder on my computer; choose and post the 4th picture; explain the picture; and tag 4 other people to participate. So here is my picture.

This is a picture of Jaelynn. She is such a cutie and so cuddly and sweet. She is the granddaughter of some friends of our. I got to babysit two days last week. She is so much fun. She is 7 months old.

While I had her, I took some "Thanksgiving" shots of her to surprise her family. They were very pleased. Oh...........what the are a few more I took of her........

Now the ones that I am tagging are:
1. Nancy
2. Andrea
3. Wanda
4. (sorry to do it to you again, but..........) The Cliftons
So now it is up to y'all to pick your fourth file and fourth picture and post on your blog.


Anonymous said...

She is so cute!

You are really getting good with that camera!!

Anonymous said...

OMG!! 7 monts old I would LOVE to babysit her but she would benaked in 2 seconds with memolesting her