November 11, 2008

The difference between BROWN and BLACK!

I'm sure everyone reading this blog has been through elementary school where you learn your colors. I "thought" I knew my colors too. Here.......let's practice a little, shall we?!

This is brown

This is black

(From the front!) The one on the left is brown - the one on the right is black

(From the back!) The one on the left is brown - the one on the right is black

So, now that EVERYONE is clear on the difference between BROWN and BLACK, I'll share with you what happened this past Thursday evening. For several months we had family portraits scheduled to be taken by our very sweet, dear friend, Kim. That had to be postponed to a later date.....because of what happened. When I walked into Sunday school my co-teacher just said, "Woah! Hey! Uh......" and then when I walked into the choir room, the person that sits next to me week after week after week, stuck his hand out to shake my hand and said, "Hi, I'm Chris. And you are???" I said, "Very funny! hahaha..........NOT!"

I'm guessing by what I've told you already, you have pretty much guessed what happened last Thursday evening. And now I'm going to show you the difference between BROWN and BLACK.
The box said "Dark Brown"..................the photos show you the difference between brown and black, and my hair is NOT brown. It's more of an "Elvira Black!" You can see by my lovely expression, I am NOT amused, nor pleased with the outcome. And also, keep in mind.......this color is after stripping it with baking soda and Dawn dishwashing liquid numerous times. It ain't coming out! It's going to have to just fade over time and grow out. So, in a few months when the gray starts coming back and I look like a skunk....I guess I'll find out who my REAL friends are!

Several people have told me (you know, the ones that REALLY love me!!), "It's really not that bad, once you get used to it!" How sweet and thoughtful of them. Jimmy just didn't have anything to say for the first few days. Which I'm kinda glad of. I know his mama taught him if he couldn't say somethin' nice, to not say anything at all. Around day three he just said, "I'm getting used to it." I guess that makes two of us. *sigh*. When will I EVER learn?!
If you can't laugh at yourself, then you haven't lived!
Hope this post has made you laugh and at the same time made you think!
(I took all these photos today. I also took around 50 more - of which I will be sharing on tomorrow's post. I know you'll enjoy it!!)


Anonymous said...

Wow . .. I am sorry that happened to you. It does fade, though, it just may take a while. I have learned that it is really hard to go by the colors on the box - they never turn out that color on my hair. I have to admit I have done the same thing (more than once). The worst was when I was in college and we thought auburn would be a great color. HOWEVER, it turned RED and the highlights that were in my hair were pretty much pink. I had to go to a hairdresser the next day and she put in some more really blond highlights to cover everything. I actually ended up really liking it (after a while). I will have to see if I can pull a picture and show you.

ebworley said...

Thanks for the words of encouragement. They really do help! I have an appointment with a sweet friend who is a PHD!!! (A Professional Hair Dresser! haha) She's going to try and work some magic! Wish me luck!

Anonymous said...

Hey Sis,
I just realized that "Goth" people always seem to have the same look as you show in your picture. Maybe they are not "bad attitude" people after all. Maybe they just had their hair dyed and they really hate it. Just a thought!!!!
You know I love you anyway!!

Anonymous said...

I didn't think it looked too bad.
But a great educational blog. LOL.