November 25, 2008


Thanksgiving is quickly approaching. For 20 years we have done pretty much the same thing...............but not this year. Actually, this whole year has been rather, well, strange. Many, many changes have occured. Many "firsts" have taken place. I can certainly say this has been a "growing" year for me, my family, my friends, and even my country. OK, before I jump the track and derail my original train of thought, let me get back to Thanksgiving.......

For the past 20 years we have gone to my in-laws for Thanksgiving "Dinner" (which, in the country actually means lunch) and then I prepared Thanksgiving Supper at my house, where between 10 - 20 people come and "break bread" with us. I really like to, as they say, "Put on the dog"! I get out my fine china and my stemware, I use all my fancy silverware and serving pieces and I put out a HUGE spread. Always something for everyone. All the usual folks that attend enjoy good food and good fellowship. I look forward to Thanksgiving EVERY year. It's one of my favorite holidays.

But, this's going to be......well.........very different. With me being laid off the end of October and still not employed (I'll explain more about that later) and with the in-law's health problems, we will all be going to my sister-in-law's house in Graceville. It will be fine. It will just not be the "norm". We will be going to their house for dinner and then off to Marianna to my very best friend's house for our supper meal. Again, very nice, but just different.

I am taking this experience and trying my best to learn the lesson the Lord has for me in it. He is providing not one, but two very nice, homey Thanksgiving experiences for my family and I am very thankful. He is putting us in the company of lots of people who love us, and for that I am very thankful. He is teaching me to relax and trust Him and I am VERY thankful for that.

I have SO very much to be thankful for this year. How about you? What things are YOU thankful for this year? And what are YOUR traditional (or even non-traditional) plans for Thanksgiving? I'd LOVE to hear about it.


Anonymous said...

Daniel hunts first thing in the morning..go figure!!
Then we go over to my Aunt Joyce's for lunch.
Daniel hunts again while I visit with family.

ebworley said...

And, isn't the visiting the best part?! The laid back atmosphere is the very best part to me.

Thanks K, for sharing your plans.