October 27, 2008

OH, the difference a day makes...

Yesterday morning was uneventful like all the ones prior to it. Then, at 9:00 am, my boss called me into his office to lower the boom! After months of assurance that it wouldn't/couldn't happen to ME, I was laid off! Yep, you heard me right.................LAID OFF! I was in disbelief (my (former) boss is always practical joking - and is REALLY good at it, by the way), but as his eyes welled up with liquid and his face went flush like he might actually vomit, I realized that he was, in fact, very serious. Sad, sorry, and serious. I really never thought I'd hear those words. I mean, we JUST moved into a new office and I was the person who ran the office affairs. The engineers and designers did their thing and my thing was to take care of and run the office aspect of it. But, God has different plans for me. And................I am ok with that! Initially, there was shock and disbelief, but then....only after a second or two, I remembered who is in control of my life and, I know it will be hard for some to believe, but I was actually excited!

Is there uncertainty, sure. Should I be afraid? Should I fall to pieces? Should I start packing up my house and cleaning out my car so "they" can come take them? NO!!! See, God provides EVERYTHING I need. He provides everything all of us need, if we'll only look to Him and trust Him with our needs. We don't have to be scared, worried, depressed. God is going to take care of us in our need. And, maybe that's exactly what He's trying to show me through this. I "have" lots of things..........do I "need" most of them? I assure you, I do not. So, from this, I am going to come away with the splendor of seeing God work with and through my life. I am tickled and gitty even at the aspect of the outcome. Will my bills keep coming? Of course they will. Will He provide a way for them to be taken care of? Absolutely.

What will I do next? Well, I have been a secretary for the past 12 years. I enjoy that line of work. But, for several years, I have been yearning to do something else I really enjoy, and that is cooking. I LOVE to cook. Maybe this is a new direction the Lord will send me in. Whatever lies next for me, I am excited to do it. See, I know His will for my life is perfect. His timing is perfect also. So, with that, I know that THIS is the PERFECT time for a new adventure in my life to begin.

Keep checking in. You're welcome to come along with me on my adventures. I'm sure there will be ups and downs, hills and valleys and maybe even some bumps and bruises, but the Lord and I will keep moving forward according to His will for my life.

So, you might ask, "How am I today?" Well, today I am:

Blessed (with an abundance of people who love, care, support and pray for me! Thank You, Jesus!)
Excited (about what my future holds, no matter what that might be)
Secure (in my Savior's ability to care for me and my family)
Comfortable (in knowing who I am and who I belong to and realizing that having just turned 40 last month and after 15 years, finding myself unemployed, I'm going to be OK!)


Anonymous said...

I have to admit, my eyes are tearing up as I read this blog. Your positive attitude is such a blessing! I would probably be wallowing in self-pity right now - what an example you are!! We will be praying for you - I KNOW God has some awesome things in store for you and can't wait to see what He has planned! Hey, I would love some cooking lessons if you start that . .. maybe we could make some trades ;)

ebworley said...

Tiff -
Thank you for your prayers. That is exactly what Christian brothers and sisters are supposed to do; pray for each other, love each other, help each other and share with each other. I'd be glad to swap "talents" with you any time, any place!

We'll have to plan this soon!

Anonymous said...

I've been thinking about you all day and knowing in my heart that you are ok. Or should I say more than ok.

This is an uplifting post and I know that even though we don't know the outcome of all this God will take you by the hand and walk with you through it all.

I'm praying and excited to see what happens next.

ebworley said...

K -
Thanks for being such a sweet, dear friend. I treasure you. I appreciate your genuine concern and prayers. I always know I can count on you in that area!

Stick with me, Sister. We'll be going places!

Love you, girl!

Anonymous said...

I am SOOO proud of you.
And the growth that our Lord has in store for you will be amazing.
Love, Jody

ebworley said...

Love you, Jody! You're the BEST big brother a girl could have!!


Anonymous said...

Hey Ellen! I am so encouraged by your upbeat, forward thinking attitude. We have been praying for you. Enjoy your little "vacation", and don't work too hard while you're home. We'll talk soon!