October 8, 2008

Do, Do, Do Lookin' Out My Back Door

Each of us can find interesting scenes right outside our own back door. Many times we take our little world for granted not even seeing the elements waiting to be pondered. No, these photos are not beautiful by the world's standards. There are no flowers, no birds, no people. Heck, the weather isn't even beautiful today. But what is beautiful about these shots is their richness, their history and their heritage. Have a look see..................

Notice how the vines are growing on the little tan building. I wonder how long this building has gone unattended, unloved and uncared for. And it makes me think.........are there people in my life whom I have let go unattended, unloved and uncared for as I race around in my own world? God wants us to love and care for each other. Is there anyone you have forgotten about in the middle of your busyness? Maybe there is someone you should call, send a letter to, or go see today. Who knows, maybe that act of love and caring for that person may break the choke of the vines in their life.

Then there's this interesting shot. We've all seen trees. We've even, most likely, all seen a water tower or two in our life. But what is this building WAY up there on top of....of....WHAT IS THAT?! I have pondered this building and it's location many times. Is that some kind of office? How do the people get up there? What is the purpose in it being up there? I don't know the answers to these questions, but I sure am curious. I would like to know how long it's been there and who built it and why they built it.
And as the wind softly moves the leaves causing the trees to gracefully dance back and forth, I rejoice in the potential promise of rain. Sure, there are things I'd like to get done outside this afternoon and I don't much like driving in the rain, but we desperately need some rain. Through your own selfish agenda, do you sometimes begrudge yourself what is best? I know there have been many times in my life when I could sense the Lord prodding me to go in a certain direction or do a certain thing that would have richly blessed my life. I didn't want to change my plans or feel any discomfort even though I know that His plan for my life is perfect. I mention this here because today, in the midst of the much needed rain, I hate for my afternoon plans to be interrupted. But I know what a blessing the rain will be. So, I want to give my day, my plans, my whole life to the Lord. He does have all our best interests at heart. And, as much as I was looking forward to my afternoon plans, I know I can also look forward to the rain.

1 comment:

JacTpcMec said...

Finally! I found your blog. Mrs. Kim mentioned it the other day and we have been looking since.
I like your pictures in this post, some of my favorites that I have taken are of random items that I see everyday. And oh yes, sometimes it is hard to follow the Lord's direction, especially when it takes us out of our comfort zone, but as Romans 8:28 reminds us, God's plan always works to our good! Thanks for sharing, I will keep checking by.