February 6, 2009

And the WINNER is......

Cathy and Leah BOTH had 12 out of 14 right! GREAT job! Cathy and Leah's names were put in a bowl and Michael drew Cathy's name, determining the winner.
Jeremy, you had 8 right out of 14. Nice goin'!
I sincerely hope you all had a good time with this. I will definitely be doing this one again soon.

Now, without further ado.......here are the contest pictures in their original state.

1. Feathers (from the goose on the bottom left corner of this shot.)
2. Lake

3. Metal Roof

4. Pampas Grass

5. Sweet Gum (ball) seed pod
6. Wooden Door Knob

7. Chicken Wire (door)

8. Spigot

9. Terra Cotta Pot
10. Car Dash Speaker

11. Deer Chest (FYI - I have never/would never take a picture of an animals....um....backside!)

12. Rusty (garbage can) Lid
13. Painted (tongue and groove) Wood

14. Frost

Congratulations to Cathy............AND to Leah! And definitely HONORABLE MENTION to Jeremy as well!!!
I pray each and every one of you have a blessed weekend!


Anonymous said...

You will have to do the same contest again later. I had too much fun waiting and watching to see what everyone came up with.
Congrats to Cathy!!

JacTpcMec said...

I say that is the most wood looking water I have ever seen;-)

ebworley said...

Glad everyone had a good time. I can't believe I haven't gotten a comment from Cathy OR Leah yet?!

Leah Langley said...

Glad Cathy won, so you wouldn't have to ship anything! I had a blast playing. That was a fun game for sure. Where is that door knob? I thought it was part of a dresser.

ebworley said...

I so glad you had such a good time with my game, Leah! I hope you'll visit my blog regularly. I'll be adding your site to my list on my home page too.

That door knob is on an outside door at an aunt of Kim's. I loved it. It was SO beautiful!

Anonymous said...

This is the first chance I have had to check on the contest and I can't believe I won....I just enjoyed playing the game. Please do it again soon, it's good brain exercise for me. Thnaks Ellen, maybe now I can meet you..... Cathy

ebworley said...

Congratulations, Cathy!

Glad you had a good time with it and I'll definately do it again.....soon!

Look forward to meeting you!