May 13, 2009

Busy Bee!


Just thought I'd take a minute to reassure you that I AM still here. I am thoroughly loving my new job. It keeps me hopping. I leave home by 7:15 each morning to return somewhere between 6:00 and 9:00 pm, depending on the evening's activities numerous days a week. Then the weekend is filled with playing catch up. (NOT on sleep, mind you!)

I have photos to share and will try my best to carve out some time to get them posted this weekend. I know it isn't much fun to look at someone's blog if there aren't any pictures attached. I know the pictures are why I like to look at other's blogs.

Again, check back the first of next week to see if I followed through. I will try my best to make it happen. Just do me a favor.........please don't hold your breath! I'd hate to lose the few of you who do look at my blog.

Love to you all!


Kim said...

Ok...I'll be waiting!!

Jody said...

I'm still here
We all miss you
But we are glad God has answered all our prayers for you to find a job that you love.

ebworley said...

Thanks for hanging in there with me. Posting WILL happen this weekend.......some time! Promise!

Love ya'll!