July 25, 2009

Sunday Afternoon with Kelsey

I spent last Sunday afternoon with Kelsey. Wasn't sure if it was going to happen or not. The weather was rather threatening, but that's all it was.....just threatening. The rain held off and we got some pictures.........over 400 to be more precise! It's amazing how many pictures one can snap in two hours. We had a really good time and some serious laughs.

Kelsey, you are hilarious and I always enjoy taking your pictures. Never a dull moment with you around! We'll have to do it again soon.

OK, folks. You have no idea how hard it has been to pick only a few to go on my blog. I narrowed 388 (after omitting and editing) to only 15 for my blog posts over the next few days. I will put them in 3 sets of 5. Here are the first 5 I picked. If you want to see ALL the pictures, I plan on putting them all on my shutterfly page tomorrow afternoon.........late...........ok, I'm aiming for.......before I go to bed tomorrow night!! hahaha!

Heeeeeere's Kelsey...........................

See ya'll tomorrow for set 2 of 3!


Jody said...

Ellen Worley Photography
That has such a nice ring to it!

ebworley said...

Thanks! My Mama picked out the first part. My husband picked out the second part and I just threw in the last part!

Kinda catchy, huh?! hahaha!