March 10, 2009

A day at the beach - The FINALE

Today's entry is titled "Fenced in". There's just something about a beach front fence that is appealing to me. I don't know if it's because of the rustic nature or what, but this rickety little fence just says, "BEACH" to me. I love it. It's beautiful, in a natural kind of way. Anyhow, I just "dig it".

I hope you have enjoyed our day at the beach. And I hope that the next time you are there, you will seek and find God there. He's ALL over it, in every single direction; in the beauty of each shell, in the spray of each wave and even in the encompassing of that little beachy fence.

And here is your Irish Blessing for today:
Christ be with me
Christ be within me
Christ behind me
Christ before me
Christ beside me
Christ to win me
Christ to comfort and restore me
Christ beneath me
Christ above me
Christ in quiet
Christ in danger
Christ in hearts of all that love me
Christ in mouth of friend and stranger

And tomorrow, we can move on to a new topic!
See ya!


Anonymous said...

I love the fence too. Great shots!!

ebworley said...

Thanks, K! I am having SO much fun with my new toy! I can see where one might easily become addicted.

Been missin' you!