February 5, 2009

Steamy Hot Goodness

It's freeeeezing! (in case you didn't get the memo!) I woke up this morning to 19 degrees outside. Brrr! Last night I threw not one, but two extra blankets on the bed. It was so nice and toasty, I sure didn't want to get up when that evil alarm clock went off. I do not like to be cold. Cold just, well, hurts.

I have numerous blankets in my living room. I have a couch with two blankets, a love seat with one blanket and a single recliner with one blanket. We are not "blanket poor" at my house. No Sir-E, Bob!! We, with the exception of Michael, my youngest, are all coffee drinkers at my house too. Nothin' says, "Ah!" like a fresh hot cup o' Joe! We have a cup in the morning (ok, sometimes two), a cup in the afternoon and then a cup of decaf or "half-caff" in the evening.

But on days like today, where it's nearly noon and the temperature has only reached 31 degrees with a wind chill of "OH, it's cold!", I need more hot fluids to warm my innards! (is that a word?) I like to switch up and drink different hot liquids. I love me some good, rich, frothy dark hot chocolate. And I like hot tea too, but I really have to be in the mood. I'm not a big hot tea drinker. But, last month when I went to Kentucky for my nephew's wedding, I found a new favorite hot beverage. It's caffeine free and it tastes delicious! It really hits the spot on days like today. If you like hot cider, you should give it a try. You won't be sorry, I promise!


JacTpcMec said...

Cider is pretty good, I haven't tried that particular brand, but we like it. Though it sometimes has a ton of carbs, which aren't good for me. Wassal however, is the best and for a taste of that I sometimes cheat....mmmm wassal, that will warm your innards! I drink alot of hot tea, that warms me up pretty good and helps the sugar levels.

ebworley said...

Do you have a recipe for wassal? I'm sure I'd like it! I've been searching for a hot green tea I'd like. I haven't found it yet.

Anonymous said...

Gee, that brings back memories of Kentucky!! I must say that nothing beats hot apple cider at the apple orchard on a cold drizzly day!! I wish we were sitting on your couch visiting right now!!

Anonymous said...

Awwwww, it's being served in the mugs we gave you! We feel kind of famous!
Love Becky

ebworley said...

Jody and Becky, ya'll ARE so very special to me and I wish we were sharing a mug o' cider together right now!!

Love ya'll!

Leah Langley said...

You (and Kim) have inspired me to do my own contest. You have to match the location with the correct photo!
I have my new answers ready for one more final try on your contest. Thanks!

ebworley said...

Glad you were inspired, Leah! I'll check out your contest and do the best I can!